Monday, March 19, 2007

Mac Donald's and Carl's Junior


Just look at the size of the Fillet O Fish now

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Since when has it shrunk to a size that can fit a 9 piece chicken mac nugget box

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I had my breakfast at Habourfront Centre Mac Donald's and I tried the new breakfast item. The bagel burger.

It was a disappointment. As usual the food was edible. I don't mind having ham and eggs, but eating fried onions is totally off. This is a very weird combination. The bread was hard and the stupid bagel burger had got holes like a doughnut on both sides. So what's the use of putting sauce???

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It leaks...


I had my dinner at ViVo City Carl's Junior. I have never been to a Carl's Junior outlet. Before this trip, I've heard raving comments about this fast food chain. So does Carl Junior live up to the hype?

I order a bacon and charbroiled chicken burger combo meal.

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Well I don't really like the package. Its sucks. Lacks creativity. So confusing. It's really hard finding the correct burger when you have many different burger orders.

The burgers are oversized. I strongly adcise everyone to eat the smallest burger or share the meal with someone else. I had a hard time devouring this giant burger. Lets see a hand to burger comparison.

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Crunchy lettuce. Think chicken thigh and 2 pathetic strips of bacon. The burger is VERY filling. However nothing spectacular in terms of taste.

I am most impressed with the giant onion rings. They come in all shapes and sizes. They are unlike those onion rings found in standard packages that comes in the same sizes. Hence I believe these onions rings are made from freshly chopped onions. Delicious.

Big enough for me to see through...

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Big enough for me to wear it as a bangle.

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Drinks are free flow as well. Cool!

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