Saturday, November 17, 2007

Danson is a rebel at heart

I had a smashing end to the last day of my first term in SMU. I broke 2 rules yesterday.

Firstly, I smuggled Rhoda into SMU library
Secondly, I staged a protest in SMU library

Gawd, it was freaking exciting. The library authorities got wind of the event 2 hrs prior to the protest. 30 mins before the protest, I met up with the authorities to negotiate.

"Whether you give us clearance or not, we don't care. We'll still carry out the protest..." Wahaha, I am such a rebellious kid.

Anyway, the gorgeous library research head Charlotte managed to get clearance for us in such a short period of time. -_-". Although clearance was given, security was still activated to crush us.

Ha, I love SMU. Its the only place where you can do all these nonsense without getting into trouble.

Special thanks to all my friends who supported this Silent Demonstration in one way or another...Jieying, Sin yi, Shu jing, Samuel, Zheng Hao, Leonard, Timothy, Derek, Yingying, Zao Yi, Han Ping, Kesh, Priscilla, Priscillia, Lionel, Wei Ming, XY etc...Gosh who else did I miss out. Please spam on my cbox to complain...

The Start of the March

The start

Protesters in full fury!


Zao Yi trying to charm more people

Zao Yi - loyal friend and protester

Nicholas wrote " Flat curves are the new curves!"

He wrote "Flat curves are the new curves"

Our Fans

Our fans

Top Security Cathy Stopping the Protesters in their tracks

Top security Cathy Stopping the Protest

We were instructed by force to move out!

Top security Cathy instructing the protesters to go out!

Protesters getting cornered by 4 security guards!

Protesters being cornered by the security

The Demonstration in Li Ka Shing was a success!

The full force

Prof Kirpal rocks! I love Creative Thinking. Haha

If I was born in another place and time, I bet I will become a big time revolutionary leader.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Brothers and Sisters of SMU, I hereby appeal to everyone of you to support the SILENT DEMONSTRATION at Li Ka Shing Library this friday 16th November. Its very easy.
JUST WEAR BLACK to school.

Silent Demonstration

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Live Update no 2

Apparently Kesh does not have a power point too! Her Mac has run out of power. She has joined the DARK SIDE. Haha

Kesh has been converted!

Live Update from SMU

This is a live update from SMU school library. Things are so terrible now in the school library. At this moment in time, the school library is suffering from the effects of overpopulation. Got picture Got talk!

Resources have become scarce...

Kesh with a table and proper power point

Kesh with a table and Powerpoint

NOTHING for the latecomers.
Danson making do with a misplaced power point and a modified table

Danson with no Powerpoint and a Modified table

Only the toughest and most creative people can survive the heat of the mugging season
Actually its quite comfortable sitting in this unique manner. LOL

To all my friends who are still schooling! All da best for your finals!

Thursday, November 8, 2007



Happy Holidays~ =)


Nothing is really happening. There's really nothing significant I can blog. Most of the time, I am very passive. I don't really want to make things happen. Some things just cannot afford to happen.

Its really depressing to talk to most of my friends these days. All that we can talk about is project, homework, deadlines and what to mug. Their sadness, anguish and hatred are gradually infecting me like a flu bug. Sometimes you just really don't know what to tell them. Take it easy...chill...blah blah blah. As a friend, you feel damn helpless. Conversational topics run dry... This is really pathetic. Perhaps its because I sucked. Lets go for a meal, movie etc...who cares... nobody has got the time for any activities. Everybody's literally dying of the SMUgging plague...

Thats why I feel much better looking out into the sky than to look at people. I'm weird. I deliberately positioned a table next to the windows in the library for this purpose.

Its more fun talking to course mates or project mates. Common module = bitching session. You can bitch about anything under the sun. From the people to the coursework itself. I love talking about business law. Whenever I talk to all my BAOs, every sentence is either terms or representations. Everything is about contract law. (Law of Agency) Today, as a principal, I (Denning BAO) recruited 2 agents, BAO Yingying and BAO Yanling. Thanks for offering to be my agents. Although it will be some time before both of you start performing your obligations, I have conferred upon the two of you the expressed authority to contract with the 3rd parties. Once again you're talking about work. But the difference here is the humor and fun element which cannot be appreciated by other people. Tell this to any other friend, they'll say you're NUTS.

One thing for sure. I'll throw all my e dollars just to bid for any Loo Wee Ling's law class. On top of that, I have decided to be a freak and finish up Roger Halson's Contract Law textbook. Whahaha

Time to think of the bright future ahead. Let me compile a TO DO LIST for DEC in no particular order

3)Top Japanese Cuisine
7)Desaru Trip
8)Driving Lessons
11)All the outings with SMUX, Sports, Justice Bao, Rengit etc
12)Outing with the Bellini Boys to all the exotic places in Singapore
13)Makan session with Bellini Boys
14)Makan session with Shi fu
15)Outing with 2b/4kbrothers and sisters
16)Outing with miscellaneous friends
17)Badminton sessions with my team mates and that girl who still owe me many games
18)EPL Sessions
19)Run everyday and gym
20)Lastly, I gotta think of a good place to chill this Christmas. Oosh! will be a very good place =)

I want to buy 2 new shirts, a lot of books and a lot of DVDs.

WALALALA, so many things to do during December gosh. The list itself already took up more than half of the number of days in december. Really no time! Haha, I feel so happy now! It feels great looking ahead into the near future. LOL. Jia you all my friends!

When somebody give you time, they give you a slice of their lives
Treasure the people who cared for you