Thursday, January 3, 2008


07 has been a great year.

Early this year, I officially left National Service. 2SIR was the best infantry unit for 06/07 year. I'll always miss Charlie Coy

Moving on, I worked for close to half a year at St James Power Station and met plenty of great people like Bernard, Azmi, Omar, Zack, Vincent, Tidus, Hogan, Edward, Shah, Roslan, Patrick, Kelly, Christina, Aladdin and the list goes on. And of course, my fantastic customers in St James like Leo, Auntie Mary, Mr Lim, Chris blah blah

Times flies and its time for Uni Life. I'm quite sick. Honestly I can't wait to go school and meet new people and make more friends. Out from the system for 2 years or so, you're back again fresh and recharged.

My first camp in SMU marked a spectacular start to uni life. The almighty transformers swept away 2 of the 2nd prizes. Haha. Unforgettable. Priscilla, Kesh, Crystal, Esther, Eugene, Desmond, Derrick and Jasper became the fabulous 8. Amazingly, all of us are still quite close. Not forgetting Shi qi. You're not in the same sports camp group as I do, but somehow you also became one of the first few people I got to know. I still miss your hazelnut drink =p

FTB was great too. Ingrid, Amelia, Matt, Wayne and Amanda. This is the group that wants to meet up but always fail to. Oh yeah, today we had our very first outing. Suddenly, I found 3 very good makan buddies. Amelia, Matt and Wayne. Lets take on the food in Holland Village when school starts! I'll blog about our crazy makan session soon.

My SMUX group was fantastic as well. A really crazy and enthusiastic bunch of people. Weiyang, Yee Heng, Timothy, Yi Zhuang, Pei Hua, Priscillia, Hazel, Sherilyn and Jieying. This is the group thats always on estacy. I can always count on them to do the most ridiculous and funniest of stuff.

All my project groups mates are great as well. Special mention has to go to my beloved biz law group. Yingying, Yanling, Sheryl, Victor and Samuel. Hey!!! Where's da outing. I miss you people. Boss Gan, you still owe us a treat.

Of course, my most memorable moment has to be from my CT group. Some crazy ass protest in SMU. Weeks after the protest, the protest boards can still be found in the school library. LOL

School life had been very fun and enriching. Stressful it may be, but I love it. Haha.

New friendships are forged. But I'll never forget all of my buddies from 6J, 2B, 4k, that few of you from NJ and the badminton team. Among you people, there are always these special ones whom I have known since god knows when. I may not have spent much time with all of ya, but please don't erase my name from your memories =p.

I hereby wish each and everyone of you an amazing and spectacular 08!

Lets see. What do I want for 08? Very simple. I just need to meet more nice people and I want to have that little bit of Love, Care, Concern and Attention. Very simple. Live that happy life and live it to the fullest! Last but not least, do more interesting and weird stuff. Haha.