Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Happy 21st Jun!

It has been a long time since I've updated my blog. I am busy mugging English language these 2 weeks. I am fortunate to have a hilarious and anti PAP American as my English language teacher. Lessons get boring with all those grammer exercises. I have to relearn all the fundamental grammar rules like past tence, present tense, past perfect, present perfect, past/present continuous, past/perfect contiunous etc. There's simply too much rules and conditions to memorise.

I am going to Myanmar next week. Experience life under a military government. Ha.

Happy Birthday Junlin! Here are some arty photographs taken on your birthday

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Pro Evolution Soccer Battle - Favourite Pastime of 4k

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Birthday Boy Junlin

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HongZ - Adviser to Javin

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The King

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The Queen

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The Jokers

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The BOyS!

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