Monday, June 11, 2007

Myanmar Day 1

The visit to Myanmar has been a very enriching experience. It is known as the "Land of the Golden Pagodas". Pagodas of various shapes and sizes are scattered all over the country. There are so many buddha statues that I practically lost count. I tried to learn the Myanmar language, but to no avail. The way they speak is very much like Tamil. The tongue twisting and accent made it difficult to grasp the language. Nevertheless, there are some phrases every tourist should learn.

How are you? Ni Gao La

How much is this? Bei Lao Lei

Discount? Sho Mei

Bill? Shi Mei

You are Beautiful. La Lei

Flight to Myanmar

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Paris Hilton has to be the no 1 bimbo in the world. Do you think she will become more responsible and take a more active role in making decisions? Bullshit. She will put up those disgusting antics in The Simple Life 4...

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Yangon International Airport

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Inside the New built Yangon International Airport

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Its a hassle going through the customs. They need to check your VISA, passport and know every bit of detail about you.

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Streets of Myanmar

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Sule Pagoda

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This Statue here is the coolest

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