Thursday, June 28, 2007


After 4 days of troubleshooting, my internet connection is back up. Root of all these problems, bad linkage between my telephone line and Singnet. When there is a bad linkage, there is nothing one could do, except to wait for the Singnet people to reset your line. What causes these bad linkages? Old wirings...

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I had a great mahjong session last week with Rhoda and Nanping. It was a 三一缺 but the game still went on. It was enjoyable playing with slow and easy people. No stress. Since the both of you like to relax and chill, I guess next time we should go Villa Bali, Settler's cafe or the bars at Dempsey road.

I have to admit that I have a greater affinity with the ladies in my JC class than the guys. Perhaps its because I like hearing them whine. All the thrills, frills and scandals from their university and internship. They're making me excited about my life in the coming months. University life seemed to have made the both of you stronger.

Nanping, you have changed the most. You are no longer the meek one I know in Junior College.
. Your eyes 炯炯有神, your words have so much resolve. Looks like those slackers and people who have taken you for granted have pushed you over your limits. Life lessons are certainly cruel. However, I know that you are no longer a pushover.

Lastly, to the both of you, thanks for all the horror braces stories -_-"

70% to Winning

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