Saturday, February 17, 2007

林志源 and Chinatown Prawn Mee

For the sake of eating the most famous Bah Kwa in Singapore. I queued for a good 2 hours.

I was so far away from the stall. 林志源is located somewhere near the white signboard in the background

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1 hour later, I had inched half of the distance. This hideous looking creature caught my eye. A stupid, cow sense design. Look at you know why.

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50 mins later I was this close...

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In 10 minutes time, the bah kwa will be mine. Haha

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Bought 2 kg of 林志源 Bah Kwa for $96. I have yet to test to Bah Kwa, stayed tuned for more updates.

After the long wait, its time for more good food to replenish all the lost energy. I chance upon this prawn noodle stall when strolling around the newly renovated People's Park hawker centre.

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Their prawn noodles is fantastic. It taste very similar to my late grandmother's prawn noodles. Eating it brings back fond memories. I didn't exactly eat prawn noodles. I ate pork ribs noodles. Whether is it prawn noodles or pork ribs noodles, they use the same prawn soup base. Thick and sweet soup, with soft and tender pork ribs will make everyone drool. One of the best pork rib noodles I have ever eaten. The downside is, the portions are quite small. (For ME) and each bowl cost $3.00. Highly recommended.

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