Friday, February 2, 2007

Brunch at Clementi Central Hawker Centre

Went gym with Junlin today. Seriously, its hard to bulk up when you don't have enough flesh in the first place. I can only train my muscles to become more defined and stronger. To get them bigger, is certainly an uphill task. I managed to pull 13 pullups after the workout. I am out to break number 25 soon. Haha.

We had brunch together at Clementi Central Hawker Centre

Clementi Central Hawker Centre

We bought Chicken Noodles from this Stall

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You definitely need to wait for at least 10-20 minutes before your food arrives. The queue is always very long. Until today, I am still puzzled why this store is so popular. The noodles taste good, cooked to the right timing. They used this special gravy over their noodles. It has got a herbal taste. Till today, I have not tasted anything similar to their noodles. Finally, the food is cheap. $2 only.

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My favourite You Tiao Stall

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The You Tiao is crispy on the outside, soft inside. It tastes like bread wrapped in the skin of KFC chicken. The oil used is fresh. Most of the time, in order to save cost, You Tiao stalls reuse their oil until it turns stale. Their You Tiao have this bad aftertaste. Some You Tiaos are not kneaded properly, hence they become very elastic. Its a pain these lousy You Tiaos.

This You Tiao stall certainly lives up to its name as one of the best You Tiao stalls in Singapore! All hail the crispy You Tiao!

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