Thursday, February 8, 2007

Chee Cheong Fan

I had my breakfast at Clementi Market today (Opposite Ginza Plaza). Delicious Chee Cheong Fun is sold here.

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I love the Chee Cheong Fun here. Thick gravy with a generous spread of sesame seeds. The Chee Cheong Fun is soft and the texture is just right. Their Chee Cheong Fun is definitely fresh because lousy Chee Cheong Fun taste very starchy and sticky. They turn out very flaky as well.

Have a try. It costs $1.40 for 2. I have yet to try his Yam Cake and Peanut porridge. I saw a lot of people buying them this morning. They must be good as well.

Something light and humorous. Be careful of who you talk to on the internet. The person may not be as good as you have thought. Haha.

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