Tuesday, February 6, 2007

香味 Bah Kwa

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My aunt knew that I loved Bah Kwa and so she bought me a box of 香味 Bah Kwa. 香味 Bah Kwa is much than 美珍香 Bah Kwa. I subjected 香味 Bah Kwa to the same light test.

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Just look at the difference in the quality of meat between 香味 Bah Kwa and 美珍香 Bah Kwa. Under normal light conditions, I can see the bright red meat clearly, whereas for 美珍香 Bah Kwa, I could not see anything even after putting it under my house lamp!

The barbeque meat was quite well done. I could hardly find obvious patches of charred meat. The meat is thin, easy to bite and soft. A lot better than the overrated 美珍香 Bah Kwa. I am looking forward to my 林志源 Bah Kwa which I am going to queue in a few days time.

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