Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Sorry for the delay

Sorry for not blogging for so long. Meanwhile, my blog will be without photos for quite some time. So no more pictures of nice food, until I get my digi cam up and running.

Well, blame my bluetooth adapter for failing on me. Shit You!

Life has been good. The bad part is I've lost weight after working in St James. Since working part time, I have been actively working out and eating hoping to gain back the lost kilos. This sucks. I am so skinny and yet I lose weight faster than I can gain. This is simply ridiculous. I have just found a food khaki and soon I'll be going around Singapore eating really good food! I will be posting weekly reports of my outings. Keep a look out for them.

I read in dismay over the pathetic responses on Minister's pay hike. Even prata man has a yearly salarly of 3million. This is simply way out of proportions. Well, I do not wish to comment further since I have said I will give up on writing political views. (In view of the dangers)

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